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제1차관, 제22차 한-인도 다이얼로그 축사 (11.27)


Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Chang Hojin

1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

The 22nd Korea-India Strategic Dialogue

November 27, 2023

President 김기환, President 박태호,

Chairman 정구현, Chairman Forbes, 

Chairman 윤영관, Ambassador Kumar,

Distinguished Speakers and Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

(한-인도 다이얼로그 평가)

Good afternoon. Namaskar. 

Let me first congratulate you on the successful progress of the 22nd Korea-India Dialogue. I would like to thank the Korea Foundation, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, and Ananta Aspen Center for kindly inviting me to this wonderful occasion. I am pleased and honoured to have this opportunity to add a few words on the present and future of the Korea-India relations. 

The Korea-India Dialogue, which has been held annually since 2001, has offered intellectual input, boosting our common efforts to broaden and deepen our Special Strategic Partnership for more than two decades. Through extensive discussions on the issues of mutual concern encompassing bilateral agendas as well as regional and global affairs we have come to a closer mutual understanding. 

Today’s conference gains greater significance, as we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic ties this year and India successfully hosted the G20 Summit in New Delhi last September. 

(수교 50주년 계기 한-인도 관계 현황)

Distinguished Guests,

During this special year of the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, there have been active exchanges and cooperation between our two nations. President Yoon had two bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Modi on the occasions of the G7 and G20 Summits respectively. The two leaders had in-depth discussions on how to move our bilateral partnership forward in the areas of supply chains, investment, defense industry, and cutting-edge technologies including space cooperation. 

Moreover, Korean Foreign Minister visited India twice this year. His visit to India in April was the first bilateral visit to India by a Korean foreign minister in five years. There were also two vice foreign minister level meetings in January and March. The National Security Councils of the two nations also held the 4th Strategic Dialogue in Seoul in August. These numerous high-level exchanges well demonstrate the close and continued strategic communication between our two countries. 

Bilateral trade has continued to grow, reaching an all-time high of 27.8 billion USD last year. Many Korean companies are actively investing and producing in India, contributing to the success of the “Make in India” programs. 

Hyundai Motors is number 2 in the Indian car market and India's biggest car exporter. Samsung Electronics has the biggest share in India's smartphone market with the world’s largest Noida smartphone plant in India. In May, Hyundai Motors announced its plan to invest 2.45 billion USD in Tamil Nadu by 2032 to boost the electric vehicle ecosystem in the country. Efforts at the governmental level to upgrade the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) are underway in order to support these business cooperations. 

We are also closely cooperating in the defense industry. The Vajra (K-9) howitzer, produced in Gujarat, is a shining symbol of our defense industry partnership. And I look forward to smooth progress in the procurement of the second batch of Vajra. 

Science and cutting-edge technologies cooperation are also an integral part of our strategic partnership. At the summit meeting in September, President Yoon and Prime Minister Modi, concurring on the importance of shared initiatives in the area of critical technology, agreed to bolster cooperation on space. 

People-to-people and cultural exchanges between our two countries have also grown constantly. In February, around 2,000 Korean Buddhists visited India for about a month and half and had s successful pilgrimage, thanks to the generous support of the Indian Government. 

Indian culture such as yoga, cuisine and movies are becoming more and more popular in Korea. In late February, the Korean diplomats in New Delhi posted a video clip of the song titled “Naatu Naatu,” causing a sensation in both India and Korea. Even Prime Minister Modi posted a message complimenting this video as a “lively and adorable team effort.” 

The cooperation between Korea and India is not confined to the bilateral arena alone. Our two countries are actively working together in the G20 format. And we are happy to make tangible progress in the areas of a recovery in the world economy, climate change, and digital transformation. 

(우리 인태전략과 한-인도 관계)

Our two nations are indispensable partners in this Indo-Pacific era. Korea revealed its Indo-Pacific Strategy around a year ago. The Indo-Pacific Strategy, which is the first-ever regional strategy for Korea, is to broaden Korea’s diplomatic horizons and redefine its national interests to contribute to the rules-based international order, firmly based on universal values. 

India is an important like-minded partner that Korea can work together with for peace, prosperity and the rules-based order - in the region and around the world.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi’s policy directions and Act East

policy well demonstrates India’s recognition of Korea as a key partner for national development. Shared universal values between our two nations also serve as a strong foundation for the nurturing of our partnership rooted in mutual trust. 

(한-인도 관계 발전 방향)

Distinguished Guests,

As wcelebrate the 50th anniversary of our bilateral diplomatic ties, we also need to work together to forge a shared vision for the next 50 years based on what we have achieved so far. 

In this regard, I believe that Korea and India should strengthen our Special Strategic Partnership to contribute to freedom, peace, and prosperity at the regional level and beyond.

First of all, Korea and India should work together to promote freedom in the region and indeed more broadly. Our two countries are proud of our liberal democratic system and tradition. We will closely cooperate bilaterally as well as through collaboration with like-minded partners to strengthen the rules-based regional order. In such efforts universal values such as freedom, democracy, and the rule of law will be a guiding light.

Secondly, Korea and India should promote peace and stability in the region and beyond. India dispatched a medical unit during the Korean War and contributed to the peace efforts following the war. Based on such bonds forged through history and active bilateral cooperation in the defense and defense industry, we will promote our partnership on regional security - including North Korea, cyber security, peacekeeping operations, and multilateral exercises.

Lastly, Korea and India should promote mutual prosperity and contribute to global economic development. The complementarities between India’s rapid economic growth and its highly-skilled workforce, and the ROK’s technological prowess, manufacturing excellence and development experience are a valuable basis for our partnership for the future prosperity. 


Distinguished Guests,

Mahatma Ghandi once said “The future depends on what we do in the present.” I believe that our Special Strategic Partnership will move even further forward in the 50 years to come, and in that regard, this conference will be an inspiring milestone to bring forth golden age, Amrit Kaal in our bilateral relations. 

Looking forward to many insightful discussions and fruitful outcomes, I wish you all the best in your work on this important occasion and remain confident your combined efforts, sense of teamwork and solidarity will yield fruits down through the generations to come.

Thank you for your kind attention.  


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